On 11th June we started invoking the Angels that relate to the sphere of Binah on the Tree of life. The Archangelic presence within this sphere is Archangel Tzaphkiel, who may lead us on a journey inwards to connect with our inner guidance, the inner teacher, to support us on the journey of individuation. This is an Archangel of understanding and compassion to bring us closer to understanding love and nurture.
Archangel Tzaphkiel is connected to Equilibrium Bottle 107 in the Aura-Soma Colour System. The keynote is ‘Support from the Divine Feminine within for individuation and heightened creativity. The marriage of Love and Truth.’
The colours in this bottle are turquoise over deep magenta. Turquoise frequencies resonate with energies of creativity and flow, the deep magenta represents a re-cuing, revitalising and restoration.
The energies that will be supporting us as we invoke the angels of Binah show us that it is through creativity and nurturing that we can gain understanding to come closer to our true selves.