Today between 6.00a.m. and 6.20a.m there is another RESET point. This time with Angel Leuviah who sets the energy for the next angel season. The reset points are an alignment where the same angel is closest as Guardian Angel supporting the physical aspect, Heart Angel supporting the emotional body and Intellect Angel supporting the mind functions.
As you align with the energies of Angel Leuviah and invoke the qualities, you are aligning with the season ahead. This Season will end at the next reset point which is on September 23rd. It will cycle with the 72 Angels through the zodiac signs of Cancer, Leo and Virgo and the elements of water, fire and earth.
The principal quality of this angel is expansive intelligence / fruition. It supports you to expand your mind with its high frequency energy, promoting clarity and helping to clear unhelpful patterns. If you find you are having difficulty with negative thinking or lower emotions call on the energies of Angel Leuviah to help you find new solutions.
This angel also supports intelligence and memory so that the two can come together and you can see from a higher perspective i.e a more expanded view. This can in turn lead you to be more helpful and supportive to others.
The corresponding Aura-Soma Equilibrium Bottle is bottle 48. The colours are violet over clear. Violet corresponds with the Crown chakra, your connection to above, and clear brings clarity and understanding. This bottle supports you to be of service and a light to the world.
To invoke Angel Leuviah repeat the name at least 3 times or 3 x 3 times. Use phonetic pronunciation, LOO-vee-YAH (the emphasis is placed on the letters in capitals)