On 10th February we start invoking the first of the 8 Angels that relate to the sphere of Yesod on the Tree of life. The Archangelic presence within this sphere is Archangel Gabriel, who supports you on your journey to discover and live your soul purpose. This Archangel supports all projects connected to the arts and beauty.
Archangel Gabriel is connected to Equilibrium Bottle 95 in the Aura-Soma Colour System. The keynote is “The messenger of the star helping us to get in touch with our true purpose.” The colours in this bottle are magenta over gold. Magenta connects you to your soul star and the full potential of the soul. It helps you to be present and bring love into all you do. Gold connects you to the star at the centre of your being, where your true colours lie. It helps you to build confidence and self worth.
Yesod is the ninth sphere on the Tree of Life, the sphere of foundation. As you move through the sphere of Yesod and experience the energies of the angels that reside here, you have the opportunity for reflection, it is the place of the unconscious mind and where you find the spark of manifestation of ideas. The beginnings of completion and integration.