The Tree of Life can be likened to a map of creation. It consists of 10 spheres each of which has a different energetic emanation with a different Archangel ruling and 8 of the 72 Angels within it. Above the top of the tree is the oneness and from the oneness at the top of the tree comes the sphere of Kether. At the base is the sphere of Malkuth, the earthly sphere. The Tree depicts the movement from the oness into earthly matter, and contains energetic keys for us to move out of the lower dimensions and into the higher, to develop our angelic light aspects.
Some of the Archangels are attributed to different spheres on the Tree of Life and so have a direct relationship with the 72 angels. Others sit on the paths that connect the spheres. The diagram below shows the layout of the Tree of Life with the Archangels shown with the connected Aura-Soma Equilibrium Bottle.

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B94 Archangel MichaelPale Blue/Pale Yellow Keynote: Divine will in balance with the little will. Peace and faith brings inner joy.
B95 Archangel GabrielMagenta/Gold Keynote: Love from above helps to find the wisdom within. Beauty and wisdom.
B96 Archangel RaphaelRoyal Blue/Royal Blue Keynote: The higher mind functions. Sensitivity.
B97 Archangel UrielGold/Royal BlueKeynote: Enthusiasm for life. Confidence and wisdom bring deep peace.
B98 Archangel SandalphonPale Violet/Pale Coral Keynote: Transmutation of negativity on all levels. Healing of unrequited love.
B99 Archangel TzadkielPale Olive Green/PinkKeynote: Feminine intuition with unconditional love.
B100 Archangel MetatronClear/Deep Magenta Keynote: Shining the light into the shadow. Brings understanding to obstacles.
B101 Archangel JophielPale Blue/Pale Olive Green Keynote: Brings peace to the heart. Communication and feminine intuition.
B102 Archangel SamaelOlive Green/Deep Magenta Keynote: O-live. The hope within us is rescued in the face of difficulty.
B103 Archangel HanielOpalescent Blue/Deep Magenta Keynote: Finding peace amongst the chaos. Trusting through difficult times.
B104 Archangel ChamaelIridescent Pink/Magenta Keynote: Love, acceptance, compassion, gratitude. It is as it is.
B105 Archangel AzraelIridescent Coral/Coral Keynote: Interdependency. Co-operation for the higher good of all. Links deep past.
B106 Archangel RatzielMisty Pale Olive / Misty Lilac Keynote: transformation of conditioned patterns. Ratziel is an Archangel of personal empowerment, giving us courage to step forward at times when we might have held back in the past. Changing the patterns of the past into something more positive
B107 Archangel TzaphkielTurquoise/Deep Magenta Keynote: Individualisation and expansion into the collective, inner tuition of the heart, a protection for the lightworkers.
B108 Archangel JeremielMid turquoise/Mid Olive Keynote: Clarity of perception. To regain enthusiasm and confidence after there has been a sense of loss of identity. Letting go of the past and finding a new perspective.
B109 Archangel Zachariel Magenta/Mid Tone Olive Keynote: Sincerity in love. Letting go, we are already forgiven.
B110 Archangel Ambriel Pale Rose Pink/Deep Magenta Keynote: Compassion in all that we do brings harmony into our being.
B111 Archangel Daniel Mid Tone Royal Blue/Mid Tone Olive Keynote: To restore balance between inner and outer relationships.
B112 Archangel IsrafelTurquoise/Mid-Tone Royal Blue Keynote: Clarity in joyful creativity.
B113 Archangel Cassiel Emerald Green/Mid-Tone Olive Keynote: Awareness that is inspired through love.
B114 Archangel Raguel Mid-Tone Coral/Deep Magenta Keynote: To be able to see both sides of a situation helps to bring balance
B115 Archangels Khemiel and Ariel Orange/Red Keynote: Deep love and honour towards our being.
Information © ASIACT